Terms and сonditions

Terms and сonditions

Terms and сonditions

Terms and сonditions

Terms and Conditions for Property Owners Using Speiz AS Services

1. About Speiz AS

Speiz AS ("Speiz") is a digital platform that primarily focuses on aggregating and analyzing data from landlords and tenants to accurately identify potential matches between sides. By doing so, Speiz actively contributes to streamlining the process of finding the right business space, ensuring both landlords and tenants are well-informed and optimally matched according to their specific needs and offerings. This makes the leasing process more straightforward and efficient.

2. Definitions and Roles

2.1. Speiz AS ('Speiz')

Role: Speiz acts as a service provider offering a digital platform for property management and tenant acquisition. It facilitates connections between warehouse owners and potential tenants, but does not engage in brokerage or legal advisory services.

2.2. Customer

Definition: The term 'Customer' refers to entities or individuals who own commercial properties and use Speiz’s services to manage these properties and find tenants for them.

Role: Customers use Speiz’s platform to streamline their property management and tenant acquisition processes. Customers are responsible for providing accurate property information, engaging with potential tenants, and negotiating and finalizing lease agreements. 

3. Service Description

Speiz’s service contributes to providing Customers with a simple and effective digital tool for managing property, finding suitable tenants, and simplifying the lease agreement process. For instance, Speiz includes a chat module, which enables direct communication between parties, thereby facilitating smoother negotiations and discussions related to lease agreements.

Speiz provides a range of services for property management and tenant acquisition, including:

  • Uploading and registration of property and land.

  • Dashboard and overview of properties and spaces.

  • Insights into vacancy, economic vacancy, and lease expiry dates.

  • Marketing services include advertising on Finn.no, LinkedIn, Google advertising services, Meta advertising services, and 3D models.

  • Access to financial key figures on tenants through an API to Proff.no.

  • Communication module for interactions with potential tenants.

Speiz will deliver these services to the Customer from the date the agreement is signed electronically.

4. Clarification of Role

Speiz is not a real estate broker and does not perform brokerage services. None of Speiz's services or platform functions shall be understood or regarded as real estate services, or legal or financial advice. Speiz’s platform facilitates tenants and landlords finding each other and exchanging information but does not partake in negotiations or execution of lease agreements. Speiz is not responsible for legal or financial outcomes resulting from rental agreements through Speiz's platform.

5. Fees and Charges

5.1 Monthly Membership Option

Our service offers a monthly membership option, catering to customers who wish to utilize the solution for management purposes and be an integral part of Speiz on a daily basis. The specific fee associated with this membership will be communicated to the customer upon signing up for the service and may vary depending on the level of service and features utilized

5.2 Fees for a Signed Rental Agreement

For each tenancy established through the service, a fee to Speiz AS is applicable. The percentage specific to each customer will be determined based on the services utilized and communicated in advance, providing transparency and clarity in our commitment to your satisfaction.

5.3 Fees for Executed Rental Agreements

Additional fees apply for marketing services ordered by the Customer through Speiz's platform. These services may include advertising on:

  • Finn.no

  • LinkedIn

  • Google advertising services

  • Meta advertising services

  • 3D models

The cost for each marketing service will be stated to the Customer before ordering, and the Customer will only be charged for the marketing services they order. The customer agrees that Speiz can make use of the collaboration in their marketing in the channels and to the extent they consider appropriate.

6. Payment Terms

The Customer is required to pay the monthly price on a recurring basis, as agreed upon in the service agreement. Fees for new lease agreements are payable as they are established. Payments for marketing services are due as ordered by the Customer unless agreed otherwise.

7. Invoicing

Speiz will issue invoices to the Customer for the monthly service fee, fees for signed rental agreements, and any ordered marketing services. All invoices are payable within 14 days of the invoice date unless agreed otherwise.

8. ‍Duration and Termination

The agreement is effective from the date of electronic acceptance by the Customer.

9. Liability and Indemnification

Speiz shall not be liable for any losses or damages arising from the use of the service. Customers agree to indemnify Speiz against claims related to their use of the service. Suppliers are solely responsible for ensuring they have received all necessary information about a tenant to make informed decisions and enter into contracts. Once a contract is signed between a tenant and a landlord, Speiz has no obligation to provide additional services. Speiz is not responsible for further ongoing relationship between the tenant and landlord or for their actions after the contract is signed. Any issues, including contract termination for any reason, are solely the responsibility of the involved parties and not of Speiz.

10. Amendments to Terms

Speiz reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions. Continued use after changes indicates acceptance of the new terms.

11. Dispute Resolution

Disputes will be resolved through arbitration in Speiz’s jurisdiction.

12. Acceptance of Terms

By using the services, Customers agree to these Terms and Conditions.

Terms and Conditions for Tenants Using Speiz AS Services

1. About Speiz AS

Speiz AS ("Speiz") is a digital platform dedicated to offering a user-friendly, efficient solution that simplifies the search and acquisition of commercial properties for tenants, enhancing their experience in finding the right space for their business needs.

2. Definitions and Roles

2.1. Speiz AS ('Speiz')

Role: Speiz serves as a digital platform provider, that helps tenants to analyse the market and identify potential matches. Speiz provides a user-friendly interface for tenants to search and inquire about available business spaces.

2.2. Tenant

Definition: The term 'Tenant' refers to entities or individuals who are looking to rent commercial properties through Speiz’s platform.

Role: Tenants use Speiz’s platform to find suitable business spaces for their needs. Tenants are responsible for negotiating with landlords and adhering to the agreements made with the property owners.

3. Service Description

Speiz contributes to offering tenants a simple and effective digital solution for finding, identifying, and proposing a potential match, aligning with their specific business requirements. The platform offers a comprehensive range of services:

  • Property search and viewing: Easy access to a wide range of commercial property listings, enabling tenants to efficiently search and identify potential spaces with insights into property features, availability, and lease terms.

  • Communication module: Direct communication channels with property owners for inquiries and negotiations.

  • Tenant profile optimization: Speiz offers tools that not only assist tenants in pinpointing their specific needs for business spaces, but also aid in crafting a comprehensive tenant profile, making the tenant more appealing to warehouse owners.

  • Market insights: Access to market trends and data, helping tenants make informed decisions.

  • Personalized property recommendations: Based on tenant preferences and requirements, Speiz provides tailored recommendations for suitable commercial spaces.

4. Clarification of Role

Speiz is not a real estate broker and does not engage in brokerage services. Speiz’s platform is a facilitator between warehouse owners and potential tenants. Speiz is not responsible for the legal or financial outcomes of rental agreements facilitated through its platform.

5. Fees and Charges

Currently, the service is free for tenants. However, Speiz reserves the right to introduce fees in the future with prior notice.

6. Use of Platform

Tenants agree to use the Speiz platform in a responsible manner, including:

  • Providing accurate information in their inquiries and communications.

  • Respecting the terms of any lease agreements entered into with warehouse owners.

7. Liability and Indemnification

Speiz shall not be liable for any losses or damages arising from the use of the service by tenants. Tenants agree to indemnify Speiz against claims related to their use of the service.

8. Amendments to Terms

Speiz reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions. Continued use after changes indicates acceptance of the new terms.

9. Dispute Resolution

Disputes between tenants and warehouse owners, or involving Speiz, will be resolved through arbitration in Speiz’s jurisdiction.

10. Acceptance of Terms

By using the services, Tenants agree to these Terms and Conditions.

Explore beyond standard listings with Speiz — let us scan the entire market to find your ideal space

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Explore beyond standard listings with Speiz — let us scan the entire market to find your ideal space

© 2024 Speiz. All rights reserved

Explore beyond standard listings with Speiz — let us scan the entire market to find your ideal space

© 2024 Speiz. All rights reserved

Explore beyond standard listings with Speiz — let us scan the entire market to find your ideal space

© 2024 Speiz. All rights reserved

Explore beyond standard listings with Speiz — let us scan the entire market to find your ideal space

© 2024 Speiz. All rights reserved